UC Berkeley Press Release

Bipolar Depression and Treatments Facts

Bipolar Depression is a serious mental illness that is also very treatable. It is a life-long illness. The condition is often marked by intense mood swings. One could go from a low mood (depressed) to a high mood (excited or extremely agitated ) multiple times sometimes over a period of days or weeks, and in some cases, it can happen several times in a day. This is often called a mixed mood. Bipolar depression has also been known as Manic Depressive Disorder.

There are a few different types of mood swings that are also called episodes . Depression is a deep sadness that doesn t go away. The person who is Bipolar may withdraw from family and friends.

Mania is a mood swing that may begin with a good feeling sort of like a high . It may make someone very irritable and angry. In this phase, one might take unnecessary risks.
The person in this phase could lash out at those around them and must be monitored. This can interfere with their regular lives.

Hypomania is another type of mood swing that is in reality a milder form of mania.

It can make people feel good - like they are getting things done; this phase can switch to mania. The difference with hypomania is that it doesn t interfere with their family or their jobs. Due to the fact it doesn t markedly show the change, this phase is often missed.

Let s take a look at Bipolar Depression and treatments that are often very effective and helpful. A few might seem a little like something out of the movies but they do really exist.

ECT - Electroconvulsive Therapy is also known as shock therapy. A shock is delivered to the person who causes seizures to occur. It is believed to stimulate the brain and some relief does occur for some. It has some serious after effects such as memory loss and possible movement disorders.

TMS - Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is done by a skilled doctor. The doctor uses a hand-held magnetic coil that has an electrical pulse or pulses shot through it. The coil is then passed over the patients scalp and the charge passes through the scalp and stimulates the brain. This is a new and currently experimental procedure. Researchers believe that this procedure has the capability of becoming a very precise procedure.

Medications are also used in the treatment of Bipolar Depression. There are varying classes of medications that have their own unique effect on the brain. Often in treating Bipolar, more than one medication is used depending on the patients needs.

Psychotherapy also known as talk therapy is also beneficial to people with Bipolar Depression. In its various formats it can help the patient to learn to cope better. It may help to relieve some of the internal pressure they feel.

Herbal treatments in the form of specifically blended herbs can also help these patients. Herbal supplements should be of pharmaceutical grade. To be certain they are pure, the metabolic paths of the ingredients are tested at the molecular. The interaction of the ingredients is also evaluated.

Bipolar Depression is serious but it is not without hope. New and better treatments are coming out all the time. If you or someone you love is Bipolar, get help immediately and be sure to follow the treatment protocol. Create a support system for when you or they are not feeling well. You or they can be very productive and successful.

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John Gibb is the manager and owner of various health websites. His latest addition is Natural Depression Alleviation